Briefly About Myself

I have a higher technical education (Belarusian State University of Transport). Worked as the head of laboratory of non-destructive testing. Currently I am working as an engineer on the railway. I decided to change my profession, and because I was always interested in computers, I participated in school and city programming olympiads, I chose Front-End development. Studied microcontrollers and assembler. I enjoy understanding code, developing new interesting things.



Code Example

CodeWars: Given a string made of digits [0-9], return a string where each digit is repeated a number of times equals to its value.

function explode(s) {
    return s.split('')
            .map(a => a == 0 ? '' : Array(+a).fill(a).join(''))


Belarusian, Russian - native
English - A2+ (training with Duolingo)